180 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence based multi-agent control system

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    Le metodologie di Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) si occupano della possibilità di rendere le macchine in grado di compiere azioni intelligenti con lo scopo di aiutare l’essere umano; quindi è possibile affermare che l’Intelligenza Artificiale consente di portare all’interno delle macchine, caratteristiche tipiche considerate come caratteristiche umane. Nello spazio dell’Intelligenza Artificiale ci sono molti compiti che potrebbero essere richiesti alla macchina come la percezione dell’ambiente, la percezione visiva, decisioni complesse. La recente evoluzione in questo campo ha prodotto notevoli scoperte, princi- palmente in sistemi ingegneristici come sistemi multi-agente, sistemi in rete, impianti, sistemi veicolari, sistemi sanitari; infatti una parte dei suddetti sistemi di ingegneria è presente in questa tesi di dottorato. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è presentare le mie recenti attività di ricerca nel campo di sistemi complessi che portano le metodologie di intelligenza artifi- ciale ad essere applicati in diversi ambienti, come nelle reti di telecomunicazione, nei sistemi di trasporto e nei sistemi sanitari per la Medicina Personalizzata. Gli approcci progettati e sviluppati nel campo delle reti di telecomunicazione sono presentati nel Capitolo 2, dove un algoritmo di Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning è stato progettato per implementare un approccio model-free al fine di controllare e aumentare il livello di soddisfazione degli utenti; le attività di ricerca nel campo dei sistemi di trasporto sono presentate alla fine del capitolo 2 e nel capitolo 3, in cui i due approcci riguardanti un algoritmo di Reinforcement Learning e un algoritmo di Deep Learning sono stati progettati e sviluppati per far fronte a soluzioni di viaggio personalizzate e all’identificazione automatica dei mezzi trasporto; le ricerche svolte nel campo della Medicina Personalizzata sono state presentate nel Capitolo 4 dove è stato presentato un approccio basato sul controllo Deep Learning e Model Predictive Control per affrontare il problema del controllo dei fattori biologici nei pazienti diabetici.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a science that deals with the problem of having machines perform intelligent, complex, actions with the aim of helping the human being. It is then possible to assert that Artificial Intelligence permits to bring into machines, typical characteristics and abilities that were once limited to human intervention. In the field of AI there are several tasks that ideally could be delegated to machines, such as environment aware perception, visual perception and complex decisions in the various field. The recent research trends in this field have produced remarkable upgrades mainly on complex engineering systems such as multi-agent systems, networked systems, manufacturing, vehicular and transportation systems, health care; in fact, a portion of the mentioned engineering system is discussed in this PhD thesis, as most of them are typical field of application for traditional control systems. The main purpose if this work is to present my recent research activities in the field of complex systems, bringing artificial intelligent methodologies in different environments such as in telecommunication networks, transportation systems and health care for Personalized Medicine. The designed and developed approaches in the field of telecommunication net- works is presented in Chapter 2, where a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm was designed to implement a model-free control approach in order to regulate and improve the level of satisfaction of the users, while the research activities in the field of transportation systems are presented at the end of Chapter 2 and in Chapter 3, where two approaches regarding a Reinforcement Learning algorithm and a Deep Learning algorithm were designed and developed to cope with tailored travels and automatic identification of transportation moralities. Finally, the research activities performed in the field of Personalized Medicine have been presented in Chapter 4 where a Deep Learning and Model Predictive control based approach are presented to address the problem of controlling biological factors in diabetic patients

    Automatic Transportation Mode Recognition on Smartphone Data Based on Deep Neural Networks

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    In the last few years, with the exponential diffusion of smartphones, services for turn-by-turn navigation have seen a surge in popularity. Current solutions available in the market allow the user to select via an interface the desired transportation mode, for which an optimal route is then computed. Automatically recognizing the transportation system that the user is travelling by allows to dynamically control, and consequently update, the route proposed to the user. Such a dynamic approach is an enabling technology for multi-modal transportation planners, in which the optimal path and its associated transportation solutions are updated in real-time based on data coming from (i) distributed sensors (e.g., smart traffic lights, road congestion sensors, etc.); (ii) service providers (e.g., car-sharing availability, bus waiting time, etc.); and (iii) the user’s own device, in compliance with the development of smart cities envisaged by the 5G architecture. In this paper, we present a series of Machine Learning approaches for real-time Transportation Mode Recognition and we report their performance difference in our field tests. Several Machine Learning-based classifiers, including Deep Neural Networks, built on both statistical feature extraction and raw data analysis are presented and compared in this paper; the result analysis also highlights which features are proven to be the most informative ones for the classification

    Multi-agent quality of experience control

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    In the framework of the Future Internet, the aim of the Quality of Experience (QoE) Control functionalities is to track the personalized desired QoE level of the applications. The paper proposes to perform such a task by dynamically selecting the most appropriate Classes of Service (among the ones supported by the network), this selection being driven by a novel heuristic Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithm. The paper shows that such an approach offers the opportunity to cope with some practical implementation problems: in particular, it allows to face the so-called “curse of dimensionality” of MARL algorithms, thus achieving satisfactory performance results even in the presence of several hundreds of Agents

    Operations Management of Satellite Launch Centers

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    Driven by the business potentialities of the satellite industry, the last years witnessed a massive increase of attention in the space industry. This sector has been always considered critical by national entities and international organizations worldwide due to economic, cultural, scientific, military and civil implications. The need of cutting down satellite launch costs has become even more impellent due to the competition generated by the entrance in the sector of new players, including commercial organizations. Indeed, the high demand of satellite services requires affordable and flexible launch. In this context, a fundamental aspect is represented by the optimization of launch centers' logistics. The aim of this paper is to investigate and review the benefits and potential impact that consolidated operations research and management strategies, coupled with emerging paradigms in machine learning and control can have in the satellite industry, surveying techniques which could be adopted in advanced operations management of satellite launch centers

    Data report on work attitudes - Background paper

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    This report aimed to assess the main dimensions of work attitudes in the European Union and in a selected sample of extra-EU countries, by analysing several data sources in a comparative way. Some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. It seems that countries at different stages of industrial development experience different combinations of preference for work, job characteristics, work ethics and life satisfaction. Developing countries seem to put work before family and leisure time, while assigning a lower overall importance to social life and relational goods. On the other hand, advanced, post-industrial economies seem to assign a higher relevance to social life, while showing a preference for intangible job characteristics, higher levels of life satisfaction and weaker work ethics

    Studio di fattibilità del progetto: Biennale del Design di Ascoli Piceno

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    Il rapporto raccoglie i principali risultati delle attività di ricerca e consulenza tecnicoscientifica per la redazione dello studio di fattibilità del progetto “Biennale del Design ad Ascoli Piceno”, condotte dal Dipartimento ProCAm, Progettazione e Costruzione dell’Ambiente, della Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Camerino, in collaborazione con il Consorzio Universitario Piceno (CUP). Obiettivo principale dello studio: delineare i fattori strutturali necessari e le condizioni contestuali più idonee per la realizzazione di una manifestazione biennale dedicata al design, cercando di evidenziarne le potenzialità e gli eventuali benefici, per quanto possibile, anche in termini socio-economici oltre che culturali

    Situación sanitaria del cultivo de la soja en el Noroeste Argentino en la campaña 2013/2014

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    El personal de la Sección Fitopatología de la Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres (EEAOC) realiza anualmente una prospección de las enfermedades que afectan al cultivo de la soja en la provincia de Tucumán y sus zonas de influencia. Durantela campaña 2013/2014, se realizaron recorridosquincenales y semanales durante los estadios vegetativos y reproductivos del cultivo, respectivamente. Las localidades evaluadas en la provincia de Tucumán fueron: La Cruz, Villa Benjamín Aráoz y Puesto del Medio,pertenecientes al departamento Burruyacú, y la localidad de San Agustín ubicada en el departamento Cruz Alta. En la provincia de Salta se evaluó la localidad Gral. Mosconi, del dpto. San Martín. Se determinó la incidencia (porcentaje de plantas enfermas con respecto al total de las plantas) y severidad (porcentaje de superficie foliar afectada) de las principales enfermedades.Entre las enfermedades foliares que afectaron al cultivo de la soja en esta campaña 2013/2014 y en las diferentes localidades evaluadas, se destacaron: la mancha marrón,causada por Septoria glycines; la roya de la soja, causada por Phakopsora pachyrhizi; la pústula bacteriana,originada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines;tizón de la hoja por Cercospora kikuchii y mancha anillada,causada por Corynespora cassiicola.En los meses de febrero a marzo, se observaron casos de muerte de plantas en rodales, causada por hongos del suelo (Rhizoctonia solani y Fusarium spp.). También se observó la presencia de podredumbre carbonosa de la soja (Macrophomina phaseolina) con valores de incidenciabajos, generalmente de un 3% a un 5%, y de hasta un 10% en Villa Benjamín Aráoz. También se detectaron plantas enfermas por Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, con niveles de incidencia muy bajos (del 1% al 3%) en las distintas localidades evaluadas de la provincia de Tucumán.Fil: de Lisi, Vicente. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Reznikov, Sebastian. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto de Tecnología Agroindustrial del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Claps, María Paula. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto de Tecnología Agroindustrial del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Bernal, María de Lourdes. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto de Tecnología Agroindustrial del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, Federico. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Villafañe, Pedro. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Aguaysol, Natalia C.. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Martínez Monteros, M. José. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: González, Victoria. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; ArgentinaFil: Ploper, Leonardo Daniel. Gobierno de Tucumán. Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo. Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto de Tecnología Agroindustrial del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina; Argentin

    Mastectomy rates are decreasing in the era of service screening: a population-based study in Italy (1997-2001)

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    We enrolled all 2162 in situ and 21 148 invasive cases of breast cancer in 17 areas of Italy, diagnosed in 1997-2001. Rates of early cancer increased by 13.7% in the screening age group (50-69 years), and breast conserving surgery by 24.6%. Advanced cancer rates decreased by 19.4%, and mastectomy rates by 24.2%. Service screening did not increase mastectomy rates in the study population

    A multidisciplinary approach for the emergency care of patients with left ventricular assist devices: A practical guide

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    The use of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) as a bridge-to-transplantation or destination therapy to support cardiac function in patients with end-stage heart failure (HF) is increasing in all developed countries. However, the expertise needed to implant and manage patients referred for LVAD treatment is limited to a few reference centers, which are often located far from the patient's home. Although patients undergoing LVAD implantation should be permanently referred to the LVAD center for the management and follow-up of the device also after implantation, they would refer to the local healthcare service for routine assistance and urgent health issues related to the device or generic devices. Therefore, every clinician, from a bigger to a smaller center, should be prepared to manage LVAD carriers and the possible risks associated with LVAD management. Particularly, emergency treatment of patients with LVAD differs slightly from conventional emergency protocols and requires specific knowledge and a multidisciplinary approach to avoid ineffective treatment or dangerous consequences. This review aims to provide a standard protocol for managing emergency and urgency in patients with LVAD, elucidating the role of each healthcare professional and emphasizing the importance of collaboration between the emergency department, in-hospital ward, and LVAD reference center, as well as algorithms designed to ensure timely, adequate, and effective treatment to patients with LVAD. Copyright © 2022 Cameli, Pastore, Mandoli, Landra, Lisi, Cavigli, D'Ascenzi, Focardi, Carrucola, Dokollari, Bisleri, Tsioulpas, Bernazzali, Maccherini and Valente

    Evaluation, management, intervention and treatment of urgencies / emergencies and self and heteroaggressive acting out. An integrated teaching experience in criminology with the contribution of different institutions

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    Starting from an experience of training in the field, declined differently from the usual didactic canons, implemented with the collaboration and integration of different subjects, (University and Arma dei Carabinieri), and addressed to students of a degree course in clinical psychology, the The authors report the need for profound and radical changes in the educational profiles and in the educational organization for psychologists as well as for all socio-health and educational professions. In this case, the focus of reflection and intervention concerned the evaluation, analysis and interventions related to the management of aggressive actions towards health workers. The centrality of Criminology as a science and discipline that can offer the methodological and technical basis and also in terms of con- tent, for the forensic part of the aforementioned socio / health and educational disciplines is reiter- ated